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Manchester & District
Orienteering Club

Night Street League Final - Macclesfield

Prize-giving Event

Night Street League Series 2016-17 'Cup Final' at which trophies and prizes for the 2016-17 series will be presented.

Corrected results and comments, plus NSL 2016-17 Prize Winners ...

Thu 02nd Mar 2017

Type of event: Local, Night, Street
Type of terrain: Urban
Info updated: 07th Mar


Event Report

An updated and slightly amended set of results has now been uploaded. Unsurprisingly there were a number of 'wrong' answers on the night, but the proportion (actually 2.8%) seemed roughly the same as usual. In the interests of producing a winner for the presentation, we were unable to thoroughly investigate all the wrong 'uns at the time. Now that the dust has settled, I've had another look, and, in consultation with the event team, have decided that there is no justification to modify the scores. I did feel some sympathy for Trevor L who would have got 10 more points had he not crossed out a correct answer and replaced it with a wrong one! On checking the penalties and arithmetic, Ian discovered that we had erroneously allocated over 9 minutes of penalties to one runner, who consequently moved about 50 places up the results. Fortunately (for us!), it didn't affect the leading positions.


NSL 2016-17 Prize Winners

Men’s Handicap Trophy – Winner John Embrey (DEE); 2nd Peter Gorvett (SYO); 3rd Mike Smithard (DEE)

Women’s Handicap Trophy – Winner Rebecca Glen (MDOC); 2nd Jane McCann (MDOC); 3rd Kate Bryant (MDOC)

Gross Points Winners - Men – Leon FOSTER (AIRE); Women - Georgia BAYNES (UMOC)

1st “non-orienteers” in Handicap scores - Men - Steve Fairclough and Andy Mainwaring (Stockport/ Bramhall Runners), Women - Alice Willson (Glossopdale).

Hydrant Trophy – Anna Mackenzie (UMOC)

The Level Best – John Williams (MDOC)


If you get the Heald Green map; refresh your browser, it has cached that map with it's number. The number has been reused for Macclesfield.

Pre Event Info

The Hydrant Trophy will be presented to the winner on the night. The Running Bear-sponsored Owl trophies will be presented to the winners of the Men's and Women's Handicap competition in the NSL, together with a number of small additional prizes for those who have done well in the overall league tables. We also have an additional trophy this year - to reward consistency of performance over the season. You don't necessarily have to be at the top of the league for this ......

Venue: Macclesfield Cricket Club, Victoria Road, Macclesfield SK10 3JA

Register 6.00 to 7.00pm. Starts 6.30 to 7.30pm. Fee £3/£1.50.

Score event with every participant running for 60 minutes, as in previous MDOC NSL series finales.  Each control is worth 10 points.  Penalties will be 20 points/minute.

Under 16s MUST be accompanied by an adult. 16 and 17 year olds can compete alone but ONLY with written consent from parent/guardian. Lights essential (+ back-up). High-visibility clothing compulsory.

Special arrangements for the series finale

For this event, in order to reward precise navigation, we have attempted to make it a ‘clueless’ event.  With the exception of a single PO box and a small number of lamp posts which we have needed to include in order to provide a sensible spread of controls over the map, the type of control feature will not be specified in the clue.  You must navigate to the dot in the centre of the circle where you will find a standard NSL feature.  Sites have been specifically selected with care so that there is only one NSL feature located at the dot.  If you think there is more than one, then you are likely to be in the wrong place.

For GB and SS, record the last 3 digits of the number.

For TP, record all the digits (2, 3, or 4 as required); the number of digits to be recorded will (as usual) be indicated on the clue sheet.  Ignore any ‘DP’.

There are no clueless 1 digit answers.  There are no fire hydrants, and the only lamp posts are those which are labelled as lamp posts in the clue sheet.

Additional information from the organiser

The cricket club car park can accommodate some 40 cars, but competitors arriving early may find some of the spaces occupied by hospital staff.  Please park prettily taking care not to block in other cars. There will be no parking marshal in attendance.

Alternative parking is available on sections of Victoria Road and on the residential roads to the north.  Please take note of parking restrictions: yellow lines (you may park there after 6pm), and some double-yellow lines.  Please take care not to block any entrances.

Further alternative parking is available on Fieldbank Road (use marked bays) and is free after 6pm, or in the Hospital itself (24 hour Pay and Display with Cameras).  If Parking on Fieldbank Road, head North following the signs to the Orthopaedic Unit, the access road turns 90 degrees just before the entrance to the orthopaedic unit, continue West through the Hospital Car Park to the gate through to the Cricket Club.

Reserving a map and food

There is a choice of chicken curry & rice or beef chilli and baked potato, both available @ £5/head.  A vegetarian chilli and baked potato will also be available at the same price.  Please note: no other food will be available at the club on the night.  

We are required to specify how many meals we want on Monday 27th February, so please let Grahame Crawshaw  have your reservations for maps and food by no later than 21:59 on Sunday 26th February


Nearest town: Macclesfield

Contacts / Officials

Series Co-ordinator: Grahame Crawshaw (0145 786 6264; mob 0758 720 6420)

Enquiries to 

Safety and Risk

A comprehensive risk assessment will have been carried out by the organiser, but participants take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event.

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