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MDOC Street Score Event
Sunday 3rd June 2001

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Organiser's Comments

On a fine sunny morning I think everybody enjoyed their run, or ride. The map had a few errors, some sections of it where hand sketched. At least one person used a footpath that I left off as it was closed when I printed the map. All the control sites were visited by at least one person. Where at least two people had a different answer to mine it was allowed. Commiserations to Julie who was slowed down after allowing an angry dog to try and make her his Sunday lunch! Finally my apologies to Frank and Kath Rose, who were first off. After they had set off I realised that I had forgotten to tell them that the controls were not all the same value.

Eddie Speak

Pos   Name Class Points
Lateness Total  
1  Paul TurnerM4066  66 
2  Mike CumpsteyM5565  65 
3  John BrittonM5071-10 61 
4  Chris RostronM5066-3-360 
5  Tom Gray 62 -260 Bike
6  Joan CumpsteyW5059 -257 
n/c  Kath SpeakW4057  57 
7  Steve OsborneM5554  54 
8  John OsborneM1856-5-150 Bike
9  Trevor RobertsM5048  48 
10  Ian GilliverM5042  42 
11  Alison DoyleW5041  41 
12  Ian BirkinshawM6540  40 Bike
13  Marie RobertsW4036  36 
14  Julie BrookW5033  33 
15  Sue BirkinshawW6032-1 31 
16  Frank RoseM7032-2 30 
17  Kath RoseW7018-1-512