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Manchester & District
Orienteering Club

MDOC Constitution

Last updated: October 2024

At the AGM in October 2024 it was agreed that clause 19 should be added to the February 2004 Constitution.

28th Oct 24

(View/download as Word document)

  1. That this club be called "Manchester and District Orienteering Club".
  2. That membership of the club shall be open to anyone who is interested in the sport of orienteering.
  3. That the object of the club shall be the further development of the sport of orienteering.
  4. Club meetings to be held whenever necessary, either by arrangement at a former meeting or at the discretion of the Chairman or Secretary.
  5. Training meetings to be held regularly.
  6. a) That the officers of the club, to be elected annually at the AGM, shall consist of a Chairman, Vice- Chairman, Secretary, Fixtures Secretary and Treasurer. To these a President may be added.
    b) Honorary Life Vice Presidents may be elected for life at an Annual General Meeting (supported by a citation from the Committee) in recognition of long and distinguished service to the Club and to orienteering.
  7. That the committee shall consist of the officers and up to seven ordinary members, to be elected annually at the AGM. The committee shall allocate responsibilities for the various activities of the club and shall have the power to co-opt. The committee shall also have the power to set up sub-committees. The chairman of any such sub-committee must be a member of the committee.
  8. a) That every paid-up member shall be given at least 28 days' notice in writing of the date, venue and proposed agenda of the Annual General Meeting, which shall be held as soon as possible after the end of each financial year, for the purpose of receiving the reports from the club's Chair and Secretary, the Treasurer's report and Balance Sheet, electing officers and seven ordinary members and transacting other business for the ensuing year.
    b) That any proposition of a substantive nature being put forward for voting on by members at the AGM shall be sent to every paid-up member in writing no less than 28 days in advance of the Annual General Meeting.
    c) That any paid-up member shall be given a minimum of 10 calendar days to propose in writing amendments to a proposal or a counter proposal for voting on. Proposed amendments and counter proposals, where these are consistent with the club’s obligations under law, its Constitution or other affiliations, shall be sent to every paid-up member in writing no less than 14 days in advance of the Annual General Meeting.
  9. That the financial year shall run from September 1st until August 31st.
  10. That the minimum subscription for members be at the rates fixed annually at the Annual General Meeting.
  11. That voting at all meetings be by show of hands. Any paid-up member not present, may nominate any other member to vote on their behalf in writing to the nominated member and the club secretary in advance of the meeting. Subject to adherence with Clause 8, a proposition duly seconded shall be carried by a simple majority except in the case of alteration of the Constitution when at least two thirds of the votes cast at the meeting, vote in favour of the proposition.
  12. That an Extra-ordinary General Meeting may be called at the request of any 12 members of the club, provided 14 day's notice of the meeting is given in writing to every paid-up member.
  13. That the constitution shall not be altered except at the Annual General Meeting, or an Extra-ordinary General Meeting called for the purpose. Any proposals to alter the constitution shall be sent in writing to every paid-up with notice of the date and venue of the meeting. This will be not less than 28 days before the Annual General Meeting or 14 days before an Extra-ordinary General Meeting.
  14. That the Club shall be affiliated to the North West Orienteering Association and to the British Orienteering Federation, and shall pay the required affiliation fees.
  15. That members who have not paid their current subscriptions within 2 months of the due date may be suspended by the Committee.
  16. That an honorary auditor be elected at the Annual General Meeting to serve for the current year.
  17. That the club is a non-profit making organisation and no member may benefit financially from membership.
  18. That in the event of dissolution, any assets will be applied for approved sporting or charitable purposes in accordance with CASC legislation.
  19. That the club is committed to the adoption and practical implementation of the British Orienteering safeguarding policy and procedures for children and at risk adults. All members, representatives and agents of the club are required to recognise and uphold the principles and responsibilities identified within the British Orienteering code of ethics and conduct when representing the club in any capacity.

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